After taking the month of social media in December, I downloaded all of my platforms again yesterday.
Usually you read all these posts about taking time out from social media and how great it’s been to get away, put the screen down and spend real time with friends and family.
But i feel slightly different. Don’t get me wrong, it was nice not being glued to a screen, and the time spent with my family will not be forgotten. However as I’ve grown in social media, I’ve found some amazing people. People like me. People with a story they want to share with the world. Some of these people, I would genuinely consider friends.
I missed these people. I missed seeing what “online friends” were up to and keeping this side of my life going forward.
Oddly, I didn’t really think about my 2023 social media plans until I downloaded Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok. Then all of a sudden I naturally started planning out how I was going to get back to creating content. And for the first time, I feel like I have a plan. Which I’ll go into in my next post.
For now, I’ll get back to writing, photography, editing and other ideas that pop into my head for growing in 2023.
Thanks for reading!
Work on being in love with the person in the mirror who has been through so much but is still standing.